MDP ON “Office Administrative Management” on 30-04-2022

Expert Lecture Series on Entrepreneurship on 01-07-2022.

Guest lecture on “Innovation and Entrepreneurship” on 09-08-2022 for the MBA students.

Webinar on "Environment & CSR" on 14.05.2022 at SSM.

Seminar on "Grievances in Education Sector" organised at 16-05-2022 by SSM.

Panel discussion on “Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness” on 06-04-2022 at SDC Decennial hall for the MBA students

Seminar on “Scope and opportunities for logistics in shipping and manufacturing plants” on 06-06-2022.

Webinar on “Sports Management” at 21-05-2022 for the students.


Entrepreneurship talk by Mr.Santhosh, Founder KOLAPASI on 01-07-2022 for the MBA students.

Campus Entrepreneurs - Workshop on 13-07-2022 for MBA students by SSM.

Guest lecture on “Content Writing and Public Speaking” on 20-07-2022 for the MBA students by SSM.

 Guest lecture on “Analytics as a Career” on 22-07-2022 by SSM for the MBA students.

Guest lecture on “Intellectual Property rights” on 09-08-2022.

Webinar on“Mental health Awareness” on 19-09-2022.


 Seminar "Industry Innovation and Infrastructure in Global Market" on 24-09-2022

  FDP on “Creative Theraphy” organised for MBA students on 07-10-2022.


 “Ask the Expert“ workshop organised for MBA students on 28-10-2022.

 Guest Lecture on "Insights of Capital Market" on 08-11-2022.

  Seminar on “Cyber Security and Advancements'' on 23-11-2022 for MBA students.

Seminar on "Recruitment,Training and Development" for MBA students on 23-11-2022.

Guest Lecture On “Live Trading Using Derivatives” for MBA students on 24-11-2022.

 Seminar On “Logistics And Supply Chain Management” for MBA students on 05-12-2022.

International Conference on “Sustainable Health Systems-Retracing health challenges through public health and management competencies” on 21-12-2022 .

  “An Expo on Packing and Packaging” organised by MBA students on 10-01-2023.

 Workshop on Design Thinking, Critical thinking and Innovation Design conducted for MBA students on 12-01-2023.

  Guest Lecture on “The Art of Book Reading” organised by SSM on 30-01-2023.

 SSM organised Workshop on sports management at 08-02-2023.

International conference on “Innovation, Infrastructure, Equity & Economic Growth for Sustainable Development” organisd on 7th March 2023.

FDP on “Data analysis using SPSS" orgnaised at SSM Lab on 08-04-2023.